
New committee 2021/22

Following the elections at the AGM, 27th May we are pleased to announce the following Office Bearers for season 2021/22

We thank all for volunteering their time

·         President Bruce Cooper
·         Senior Vice President Bill Symmons
·         Secretary Ben Worsteling
·         Treasurer Robert Knight
·         Media Officer Sally Gibson
·         Sponsorship Secretary Shared between Ben, Bill, Graham and Wendy
·         Tournament Secretary Bill Symmons
·         Assistant Tournament Secretary Malcolm Heywood
·         Green Director Dave Christie
·         Bar Manager Graham Hoskin
·         Match Committee

Robert Knight, Milton Heywood, Wendy Watkins. Dave Christie

and Mark Angwin.

·         Junior Vice President Linda Heywood
·         General Committee Peter Poletti, Robert Poletti, Wendy Watkins, Neville Buckland, and Robert McLaughlin,